
Pick Your Tech

A complete shoulder solution, completely for you.

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Pick Your Tech.

A complete shoulder solution, completely for you.

Empower your practice with evidence-based solutions. Download now.

Pick Your Tech.

The Equinoxe® System has you covered – from predictive analytics and preoperative planning to first-to-market implants and intraoperative navigation.
Equinoxe with Active Intelligence

Featuring the new Equinoxe® Laser Cage Glenoid

Increased Mechanical Strength
  • Designed to survive cyclic loading five times greater than the ASTM standard1
  • 2x peg shear resistance and 5x peg pull-off1

Formed with additive manufacturing and direct compression molded polyethylene

3D-Printed Porous Structure

Allows for bone through growth and biologic fixation1

Equinoxe Laser Cage Glenoid

What Surgeon Experts Are Saying

Gain exclusive access to the full paper. Download here to gain practical insights on patient care and outcomes.


  1. Data on file at Exactech.

*In vitro (bench) test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance.