
Exactech AI Technologies for Shoulder Surgery

Precision and accuracy for your shoulder replacement surgery.

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What Exactech AI technologies could be used during your shoulder replacement surgery?

Exactech Active Intelligence (AI) technologies for shoulder replacement include the Equinoxe® Planning App and ExactechGPS®  Shoulder technology. These Exactech AI surgery technologies help your surgeon create your surgical plan and get more information they can use to make accurate and precise decisions about your shoulder replacement surgery. This interactive approach combines your surgeon’s expertise with the latest shoulder surgery technology. The result? A shoulder replacement personalized just for you.

The Equinoxe Planning App is a special computer program that makes a 3D model of your shoulder. Your surgeon uses this model, made from a CT scan of your shoulder, to choose the implants for your shoulder replacement surgery. They can decide which implant might fit you best, how big it should be, and exactly where it should go.

This data is analyzed using machine learning, a type of AI algorithm that looks for patterns in previous patients and surgeries.

After your surgeon creates a plan using the planning app, they can use ExactechGPS. It’s a special navigation system that helps your surgeon navigate your joint during surgery. GPS shows a 3D model of your shoulder joint and important measurements on a touchscreen tablet in the operating room. This information comes from a tracker placed on your shoulder during surgery.

ExactechGPS technology shows your unique shoulder anatomy to your surgeon on a touchscreen tablet during your surgery.

With simple trackers, GPS sends information about your shoulder bones and soft tissue to the touchscreen tablet.

The images on the GPS screen let the surgeon see where to remove bone and how place your shoulder implant in the right spot.

How is Exactech AI shoulder surgery different from robotic shoulder replacement surgery?

From planning to the operating room, your surgeon – not a robot – is in control the whole time. Our Equinoxe Planning App and GPS are Exactech AI technologies made to assist your surgeon with deciding what may be best for your shoulder replacement surgery by providing data. However, your surgeon makes the final decisions about what will be best for you based on their expertise.

Real Patient Experiences with Exactech AI Shoulder Technologies

Resources for Exactech AI Shoulder Technologies

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